Services are one of the main drivers of the European economy and account for around 70 percent of GDP. Standards can ensure the quality of services, but only if they exist and are used. Today, ANEC publishes a report on the use of service standards by authorities as a tool in market surveillance.

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Internet-connected  toys, now available to  consumers  in  many  countries, engage in ‘conversations’ with children by using  built-in  microphones  and speech recognition technologies. But are children’s secrets safe with these toys and could even their personal safeties be placed at risk?

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ANEC agrees on the need for a coordinated approach to fire safety in the EU as expressed in a call today from a  wide - ranging alliance of stakeholders. Nevertheless, we believe such an holistic strategy also needs to foresee closing the gaps that exist in legislation addressing hazardous chemicals in products relevant to consumers.

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ANEC welcomes adoption of the second phase of Regulation 129 by UNECE (United  Nations  Economic  Commission  for Europe) World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP 29).

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ANEC welcomes the European Parliament’s adoption of a Directive on the Accessibility of Public Sector Bodies’ websites and apps to ensure access to on-line public services to all consumers, regardless of age or ability. The Parliament, in agreement with the Council, made significant improvements to the original Commission proposal in terms of the web-sites covered and enforcement provisions, as well as the inclusion of access from a handheld mobile device and mobile apps, in line with ANEC’s position.

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