Wednesday, 14 September 2022, 14:00 – 15:30 CEST (Brussels time)

ANEC Accessibility Built Environment 14 Sept 2022 1400x788

Last year the European standards organisations CEN and CENELEC adopted the first European Standard on the accessibility and usability of the built environment (EN 17210:2021), after over almost 15 years of work. During this long process, ANEC and EDF supported by technical experts brought the perspectives of consumers and persons with disabilities and advocated for an ambitious standard that could improve the level of accessibility of the built environment in Europe.

This European standard includes functional requirements relevant to the design, construction, refurbishment or adaptation, and maintenance of built environments including outdoor pedestrian and urban areas. This standard is also supported by Technical Reports, and remains in line with an international standard (ISO 21542:2021) which was also adopted last year.

With the adoption of the European Accessibility Act, this standard will be revised to be ensure it fulfils the requirements of this European Directive. Therefore, disability and consumer organisations must get ready to keep engaging in technical discussions about the accessibility of the built environment.

Finally, and also connected to the built environment, another standard in which ANEC and EDF continue working is the EN 81-70 on the accessibility to lifts for persons including persons with disability.

Join us on this webinar to understand the basics of all these standards and how you can use them to advocate for accessibility of the built environment, and how you can get involved in these standardisation developments.


14:00 – Welcome and housekeeping rules – Alejandro Moledo, EDF Deputy Director & Head of Policy

14:05 – Setting the scene – Chiara Giovannini, ANEC Senior Manager Policy & Innovation Deputy, Secretary-General

14:15 – The EN 17210 and its Technical Reports on the accessibility and usability of the built environment – Monika Klenovec, Architect and access consultant, member of the Technical Committee responsible for EN 17210

14:35 – Q&A

14:40 – The EN 81-70 on accessibility of lifts for persons with disabilities – Isabella Steffan, Architect and Ergonomist, member of the Technical Committee responsible for EN 81-70 and EN 17210

15:00 – Q&A

15:10 – Standardisation request of the European Accessibility Act and how to get involved – Chiara Giovannini

15:15 – How can you make use of these standards? – Alejandro Moledo

15:20 – Q&A

15:30 – Closing

This event will provide International sign interpretation and real-time captioning in English.
