digital society

  • ANEC One-pager on standards on Personal Music Players (PMPs)

  • ANEC/EDF answer to the BEREC public consultation on Electronic Communications Services: Ensuring Equivalence in Access and Choice for Disabled End-Users

  • Joint ANEC - EDF Reply to the Public Consultation on Universal Service Principles in eCommunications

  • ANEC position on a new Strategy for European Information Society 2010-2015 (post i-2010)

  • Joint ANEC/EDF draft position on the review of the scope of the Universal Service in electronic communications (Word version)

  • Joint ANEC/EDF draft position on the review of the scope of the Universal Service in electronic communications (PDF version)

  • ANEC Position Paper on the European Commission White Paper “Modernising ICT standardisation in the EU - The way forward”

  • ANEC statement: "From Internet of Things to Internet for People"

  • One-pager on draft mandate on Personal Music Players (PMPs)

  • AGE/ANEC/EDF joint position on EC communication on eAccessibility

  • ANEC preliminary position on safety of music players “Pump down the volume!”

  • ANEC/BEUC comments to the public consultation on the early challenges regarding the "Internet of Things"

  • ANEC/TACD presentation on interoperability and open standards, EC workshop on IPRs and standardisation

  • Final ANEC/EDF position on web and eAccessibility legislation

  • Final report "Consumer requirements for RFID standardisation"

  • Executive summary of ICT R&T project 2007 “Consumer requirements for RFID standardisation”

  • ANEC position on the revision of the EU electronic communications regulatory framework

  • ANEC/BEUC comments on Commission draft Recommendation on RFID

  • Final report on the ANEC study "Web Accessibility in context: an investigation into standardisation issues" (PDF version)

  • Final report on the ANEC study "Web Accessibility in context: an investigation into standardisation issues" (Word version)

  • Joint ANEC/EDF Position Paper on eAccessibility (Word version)

  • Joint ANEC/EDF Position Paper on eAccessibility

  • ANEC comments on EU Study on the specific policy needs for ICT standardisation

  • Joint ANEC/BEUC comments on the EC Communication on RFID in Europe: Steps towards a policy framework

  • ANEC comments on review of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications