
  • Joint ANEC/BEUC statement: Eco-design and labelling requirements for TVs, refrigerators and freezers, and washing machines

  • Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design and labelling requirements for refrigerators and freezers

  • Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design and labelling requirements for dishwashers

  • Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design and labelling requirements for domestic washing machines

  • ANEC/BEUC joint position on the revision of the Eco-design Directive

  • Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design requirements for televisions

  • Executive summary of joint ANEC, BEUC, Defra, EST, NCC research on consumer perceptions of the EU Energy Label layout

  • Full summary of joint ANEC, BEUC, Defra, EST, NCC research on consumer perceptions of the EU Energy Label layout

  • Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design, labelling and installation requirements for dedicated water heaters

  • ANEC/BEUC joint position paper on consumer interests in eco-design of (energy-using) products

  • Joint ANEC/BEUC position on ecodesign requirements for domestic lighting (part 1)

  • Joint ANEC/BEUC position on ecodesign requirements for boilers and water heaters

  • Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design requirements for external power supplies

  • Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design requirements for simple set top boxes

  • ANEC comments to European Commission consultation on EU Energy Labelling

  • Joint ANEC / BEUC position on consumer-relevant eco-design requirements for standby and off-mode losses

  • ANEC comment on the European Commission Draft Mandate to CEN/CENELEC/ETSI for Programming of Standardisation Work in the Field of Eco-Design of Energy-Using-Products