
  • ANEC/BEUC position on the European Transparency Initiative

  • ANEC Position Paper on the revision of the New Approach

  • ANEC comments on the European Commission's Public consultation on the future of the Internal Market

  • ANEC proposals for improving public interest stakeholder participation in CEN and CENELEC

  • Consumer claims: the experience of consumer organisations in gathering consumer safety data and the case for an EU system, speech by T. Vandenberghe

  • The New Approach from the consumer perspective

  • ANEC comment on the Programme of Community action in the field of Health and Consumer Protection 2007-2013

  • Preliminary comment of ANEC on the review of the CEN Strategy 2010

  • ANEC comment on the role and significance of the CE marking (Draft Certif. Doc 2005-11 of 30 August 2005)

  • ANEC comment on the Commission’s Action Plan for European Standardisation (draft version 5)

  • ANEC Secretary-General’s speech at the European Market Surveillance Programming Conference

  • ANEC Comment on the Future Consumer Policy Strategy

  • Speech by ANEC President Benedicte Federspiel at the Consumer Assembly on 10 November 2004

  • Speech by Gottlobe Fabisch at the Non-food Products Workshop Safety Monitoring

  • ANEC position on the revision of the Directive 98/34 of the EP and the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down the procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations

  • Speech by Mr Robert Madelin, Director General for Health and Consumer Protection, European Commission, at the ANEC General Assembly

  • Speech of ANEC Secretary-General on the role of consumer associations at a seminar in Abano/Italy on 8/9 March 2004

  • ANEC Position Paper on Standardisation and Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Joint letter of ANEC and BEUC to the STOA Chairman concerning STOA report on inedibles in food

  • ANEC response to the EC Standardisation Strategy Roadmap