
  • TACD Resolution on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBTs) in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (co-authored by ANEC), September 2016

  • ANEC comments on Preliminary Draft Annual Union Work Programme on European Standardisation 2017

  • ANEC comments on Union Annual Work Programme for Standardisation 2016

  • ANEC Position Paper on Upgrading the Single Market

  • ANEC position paper on draft EC Annual Union Workprogramme for Standardisation 2016

  • ANEC Position Paper on patents and standards

  • Final report of the ANEC SC R&T study "The benefits of consumer participation in standardisation to all stakeholders"

  • ANEC comments on the draft European Commission Vademecum for European Standardisation

  • ANEC Position paper: Future consumer Policy - Priorities and trends

  • ANEC Position Paper on Annual Union Work Programme for European Standardisation 2015

  • ANEC contribution to the ISO Strategy 2016-2020

  • ANEC reply to EC public consultation on provision of information to consumers about furniture characteristics

  • ANEC Position Paper "CE+ Marking = Experto Crede -trust the expert?"

  • ANEC Position Paper on the EC Communication on the Annual Union Work Programme for European Standardisation

  • ANEC-BEUC comments on European Commission proposal for a Regulation on market surveillance of products

  • ANEC/BEUC position paper on the European Commission Proposal for a Consumer Product Safety Regulation

  • ANEC-ORGALIME joint Position Paper "Market Surveillance Regulation: a brave step towards an effective pan-European market surveillance system"

  • ANEC Position Paper on the the European Standardization System Strategy 2020

  • Annex to the call for a pan-European database of accidents and injuries: EU-organisations that have joined the campaign since the launch of the paper

  • Action needed to protect citizen's health and wellbeing - a pan-European database of accidents and injuries

  • ANEC Position Paper on CE Marking "Caveat Emptor - Buyer Beware"

  • ANEC-BEUC letter to Vice-President Tajani on CE marking

  • Presentation to Turkish consumer organisations

  • ANEC position on the new EU Consumer Policy Strategy

  • ANEC position on EC proposal to align nine directives with New Legislative Framework