ANEC, the European consumer voice in standardisation
- About ANEC
- Annual Review 2016
- Public web-sites and apps to be accessible 4 all!
- The EU needs a strategy on fire safety
- Let's keep our children and their secrets safe!
- WCRD 2017 Infographic 'European Standards building a #BetterDigitalWorld consumers can trust'
- CI-ANEC Position Paper on Sharing Economy – Input to Draft International Workshop Agreement
- ANEC preliminary position paper with regard to CEN Healthcare Services Focus Group
- ANEC welcomes European ministers committing to tackling deaths and serious injuries on EU roads
- ANEC position paper on draft Annual Union Work Programme for Standardisation 2018
- New standard to help consumer (pedal) power
- ANEC position paper on proposal for a Regulation on cross-border parcel delivery services
- ANEC joins the call for urgent action on vehicle safety standards
- Presentation - AGE, ANEC and EDF European Accessibility Act “eCoffee”, 6 June 2017
- ANEC views on the research of the University of Twente on reading errors of static energy meters caused by conducted electromagnetic interference
- ANEC reply to European Commission public consultation on FinTech: a more competitive and innovative European financial sector
- ANEC Position paper: 'Organic chemical compounds in toys: Systematic review of EN 71-9, EN 71-10 and EN 71-11'
- CEN-CENELEC brochure: Civil Society, Improving, Strengthening and Legitimising the European Standardisation System
- Ed.6 - 2017
- "Keeping hazards in the circle?" - ANEC position paper on the interface between chemicals, products and waste legislation
- ANEC comments on Proposal for a Regulation revising ENISA Regulation (No 526/2013) and laying down a European ICT security certification and labelling framework
- WLTP in, NEDC out!
- An end of access denied?
- ANEC Position Paper on the Annual Union Work Programme for European Standardisation 2018
- ANEC comments on draft Rolling Plan for ICT standardisation 2018
- Ed. 7 - 2017
- ANEC views about CEN Healthcare Services Focus Group
- #WatchOut !
- Ed. 8 - 2017
- ANEC-BEUC Factsheet: The new energy label - back to the A-G scale!
- ANEC/BEUC/CI/ICRT Principles and Recommendations 'Securing consumer trust in the Internet of Things'
- ANEC/BEUC/CI/ICRT joint press release: Internet of Things: A brave new world for consumers?
- ANEC position paper 'Formamide: no need for additional content-based limits in Appendix C of the Toy Safety Directive'
- Ed. 9 - 2017
- ANEC Infographic on the 2018 Annual Union Work Programme for European Standardisation
- Consumer organisations’ views on the implementation and enforcement of the Ecodesign Directive: Greener, Better, Faster, Stronger Ecodesign
- ANEC/BEUC joint press release: EU urges stricter checks for safer goods
- Cross-border healthcare: Consumer attitudes and experiences
- Cross-border healthcare: Accessing medical treatment in other EU countries - Key facts on consumer attitudes and experiences
- ANEC Work Programme 2018 - Definitive public version
- Consumer organisations comments on ecodesign and energy labelling for lighting
- Phthalates in playground equipment – with special regard to the revision of EN 1176-10:2008
- Ed. 1- 2018
- ANEC Position Paper on Cabin air quality on commercial aircrafts – Expectations about the use of the list of chemical marker compounds
- 14 organisations call for a strong position on vehicle safety from the European Parliament
- Ed. 2 - 2018
- ANEC-BEUC position paper on cybersecurity of connected products (including European Cybersecurity Act)
- ANEC - BEUC comments on ecodesign and energy labelling for household refrigerating appliances
- ANEC-BEUC position on ecodesign for standby, networked standby and off mode electric power consumption
- ANEC-BEUC comments on ecodesign and energy labelling for washing machines and washer dryers
- ANEC-BEUC comments on ecodesign and energy labelling for dishwashers
- ANEC-BEUC comments to draft REACH restriction of CMR substances in textiles
- ANEC-BEUC press release: Dangerous consumer goods found in high numbers in EU
- WCRD 2018 ANEC and CEN-CENELEC Infographic ‘Standards help create fair & secure digital market places’
- ANEC/BEUC comments on compliance and enforcement
- Supplementary ANEC contribution to EC consultation on use of EU funds in areas including Single Market
- Ed. 3 - 2018
- ANEC Position paper on the Proposal for a revised Drinking Water Directive (DWD)
- ANEC-BEUC final Position Paper 'Ensuring consumers safety – What way forward for Market Surveillance in the EU?' BEUC and ANEC’s Recommendation on the draft Regulation for compliance and enforcement (2017/ 0353 (COD))
- ANEC comments on draft EP IMCO report on dual quality of products in the single market (2018/2008(INI))
- ANEC open letter on Austrian Presidency’s actions on consumer product safety and European strategy for a non-toxic environment.
- Misuse of a BBQ grill, can kill! Carbon Monoxide leaflet ‘Be Safe This Summer’ sponsored by ANEC
- ANEC position paper on draft Annual Union Work Programme for Standardisation 2019
- Position paper on Monomers - Proposed requirements for Appendix C of the Toy Safety Directive
- Ed. 4 - 2018
- Europe on the move to reducing road deaths and serious injuries on EU roads
- ANEC leaflet: Don't leave children unattended in cars!
- Annual Review 2017
- Ed. 5 - 2018
- Final phase of R129 adopted: safer child seats, safer for children!
- ANEC reply to EC proposal COM(2018) 286 final (Revision of General Safety Regulation)
- Ed. 6 - 2018
- ANEC comments on proposed amendments on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the quality of water intended for human consumption (recast)
- Free interactive E-learning course ‘Societal Stakeholders and Standards’
- NEW Fuel labelling system accross Europe! Watch our video to find out more.
- How will standards meet the future? (Newsletter Ed. 7 - 2018)
- Consumers to be helped by new labelling of the power supply of electric vehicles
- ANEC/BEUC Factsheet on the safety of connected products
- Product safety in a globalised, connected world (Newsletter Ed. 8 - 2018)
- Nouvel etiquetage Europeen des carburants
- Automotive supplier industry, cities and campaigners call on EU industry ministers to back new vehicle safety standards without delay
- Future priorities for European Consumer protection (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 9 – 2018)
- ANEC/BEUC Joint letter to the EC on dangerous slime toys
- Technical annex: results of slime tests by consumer organisations
- ANEC Work Programme 2019
- ANEC reply to EC consultation on a future product policy framework to facilitate a transition to a circular economy
- ANEC views on a future product policy framework to facilitate a transition to a circular economy - annex to ANEC reply to DG ENV consultation
- ANEC infographic 'Citizens' requirements for smart cities: what standards can do!'
- Toxic slime toys under scrutiny (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 1 - 2019)
- New ISO standard will help consumers choose
- Common chargers for mobile phones & other compatible devices: ANEC reply to EC consultation on Inception Impact Assessments
- Revision of the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC): ANEC reply to the EC Inception Impact Assessment
- ANEC comments on EC consultation on Inception Impact Assessment on Commission delegated regulation on Internet-connected radio equipment and wearable radio equipment
- Hello Niels, Hello Helena (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 2 – 2019)
- The EU adopts simpler Energy Label on consumer goods - ANEC/BEUC Press Release
- ANEC-BEUC position on conformity assessment in EU-US trade relations
- ANEC WCRD FACTSHEET: How can standards ensure consumers' trust in connected products?
- Spring forward, don’t fall back!
- Putting the world to rights on connected products (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 3 – 2019)
- Regulatory cooperation activities with the United states: BEUC & ANEC Response to the public consultation
- European Parliament approves reform of market controls
- ANEC final position paper on the draft Annual Union Work Programme for European Standardisation 2020
- Need for consistent regulation of materials in contact with food: ANEC contribution to European Commission’s evaluation of legislation on Food Contact Materials
- ANEC response to the Public Consultation for the evaluation of the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
- Trading standards (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 4 – 2019)
- The New European Standard on Design for All Online Webinar, Tuesday 21 May, 14h30 to 15h30
- Be PROMPT! (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 5 – 2019)
- Annual Review 2018
- Interview with Dermott Jewell, new ANEC President (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 6 – 2019)
- Interview with Jens Henriksson, ANEC Vice-President (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 7 – 2019)
- European Commission Guidance on practical aspects of the implementation of Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 (the Standardisation Regulation); ANEC response to stakeholder consultation
- ANEC President visits Czechia (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 8 – 2019)
- ANEC contribution to BEUC position paper 'KEEPING CONSUMERS SECURE: How to tackle cybersecurity threats through EU law'
- Interview with Benedicte Federspiel (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 9 – 2019)
- ANEC comments to 2020 Roadmap for a new Circular Economy Action Plan
- ANEC Work Programme 2020- Definitive public version
- ANEC Work Programme 2020 (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 1 – 2020)
- Leading the charge to a common charger (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 2 – 2020)
- ANEC Factsheet: Common chargers for mobile telephones and other compatible devices
- Input on the second 5 years report on the application of the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC
- Outline of a technical study and Call for proposals “Addressing hazards associated with using sleep-related products in combination with other child care articles”
- COVID-19 – Message from ANEC President, Dermott Jewell (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 3 – 2020)
- ANEC Position paper on the Revision of Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)
- An urgent CWA for community face masks (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 4 – 2020)
- ANEC input to EC Consultation on Roadmap for Communication Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (toxic-free EU environment)
- ANEC replies to the European Commission Consultation on the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence A European Approach
- Annual Review 2019
- ANEC/BEUC joint press release: Dangerous goods on EU market call for improved product safety law
- The newly-published ANEC Annual Review 2019! (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 5 – 2020)
- ANEC Position Paper on Draft Annual Union Work Programme for European Standardisation 2021
- ANEC position on the Review of the EU requirements for packaging and other measures to prevent packaging waste’
- ANEC position on the new EU Consumer Agenda 2021-2027: Response to the EC Roadmap Consultation, July 2020
- BEUC AND ANEC VIEWS FOR A MODERN REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ON PRODUCT SAFETY: Achieving a higher level of consumer safety through a revision of the General Product Safety Directive
- ANEC contribution to the EC IIA Roadmap for a Legislative Proposal on Substantiating Green Claims
- ANEC position on the revision of the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD): Response to the EC Roadmap Consultation, August 2020
- ANEC replies to the European Commission Consultation on Inception Impact Assessment: Proposal for a legal act of the European Parliament and the Council laying down requirements for Artificial Intelligence
- ANEC comments on draft AUWP 2021 (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 6 – 2020)
- ANEC-AGE-EDF Joint statement for UN International Day of Older Persons: “Pandemics: how do they change the way we address age and ageing?”
- North Macedonian member hosts high-level event (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 7 – 2020)
- ANEC-EuroSafe Position paper: "European consumer safety needs solid Injury data"
- ANEC-EuroSafe infographic: "European consumer safety needs solid Injury data"
- ANEC-EuroSafe joint media release: European Consumer Safety needs solid injury data
- ANEC-BEUC Factsheet "Sewing up the holes in Europe’s product safety net: Why the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD) must be reformed, and how to do it"
- We have moved! (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 8 – 2020)
- ANEC position on the evaluation of the New Legislative Framework (Decision No 768/2008/EC and Regulation (EC) No 765/2008): Response to the EC Roadmap Consultation
- ANEC reflections on the basic directions for the future development of the EU legislative framework on Food Contact Material (FCM)
- Suggestions from ANEC for future Coordinated Enforcement Activities on Product Safety (CASP)
- ANEC General Assembly marks #ANEC25 (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 1 – 2021)
- ANEC replies to EC Impact Assessment Study to Assess Unbundling of Chargers - Stakeholder survey
- ANEC-BEUC Factsheet "Sewing up the holes in Europe’s product safety net: Why the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD) must be reformed, and how to do it"
- ANEC contribution to the IIA Roadmap on the Revision of EU rules on food contact materials
- ANEC reply to the Public consultation on the European statistical programme 2013-2020
- ANEC/BEUC joint press release: Consumers will finally benefit from a clearer energy label from 1 March
- ANEC/BEUC joint press release: EU report on unsafe product notifications demonstrates need for legal reform
- Back to the future! (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 2 – 2021)
- ANEC position on the Revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive IIA Roadmap
- ANEC (Open) Webinar ‘How can cybersecurity standards increase consumer protection?’, 15 April 2021
- World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD) 2021 (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 3 – 2021)
- ANEC Position paper: "Toy Safety Directive evaluation and Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS): Which way forward?"
- ANEC replies to EC Study on the need of Cybersecurity Requirements for ICT Products
- ANEC-EDF ‘Webinar on Introduction to Standardisation’
- ANEC contribution to 1st meeting of the HLR on the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability
- EC High Level Roundtable on the Chemicals Strategy (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 4 – 2021)
- ANEC contribution to EC IIA Roadmap for the Revision of REACH Regulation to help achieve a toxic-free environment
- Annual Review 2020
- ANEC Position Paper: Accessibility of Lifts: How the European standard prEN 81-70:2020 can meet the legal requirements? Open technical issues
- ANEC/BEUC joint press release: All eyes on EU this week to improve outdated product safety law
- Draft Annual Union Work Programme for European Standardisation 2022
- ANEC/BEUC Press release: EU makes first, significant step towards better product safety law
- ANEC Contribution to the EC Consultation on the evaluation of Directive 2011/24/EU on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare
- ANEC comments on the European Commission proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act (Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence and amending certain Union legislative acts) COM(2021) 206 final, 2021/0106 (COD)
- Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on MACHINERY PRODUCTS: Key issues from a consumer perspective
- ANEC General Assembly (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 5 – 2021)
- ANEC response to the EC Standardisation Strategy Roadmap
- ANEC Commentary: Sustainability in the construction sector, A consumer perspective on relevant standards and initiatives
- ANEC comments on EC draft Delegated Act Radio Equipment Directive Cybersecurity requirements
- ANEC-BEUC Position Paper: MAKING MORE SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS THE NEW NORMAL, Consumer recommendations for a meaningful EU Sustainable Product Initiative
- Vacancy
- ANEC Position Paper: Sunbeds
- ANEC Press Release: ANEC supports a mandatory universal charger for all mobile devices
- One charger to rule them all! (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 6 – 2021)
- ANEC position on the draft General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR): Response to the EC Consultation, September 2021
- Letter from ANEC and partners on the Digital Services Act
- ANEC contribution to EC IIA Roadmap on Tourist services – short-term rental initiative
- ANEC Response to the EC Public Consultation on the Web Accessibility Directive
- ANEC reply to the European Commission Inception Impact Assessment on Protecting children from unsafe toys and strengthening the Single Market revision of the Toy Safety Directive 200 9 48 /EC
- The UFI code - quicker advice in case of accidental poisoning (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 7 – 2021)
- ANEC-BEUC Position Paper 'KEEPING CONSUMERS SAFE FROM DANGEROUS PRODUCTS: How to make the General Product Safety Regulation a useful tool to ensure product safety'
- ANEC comments on the EC proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2014/53/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of radio equipment
- EU Standardisation Strategy confirmed for New Year (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 8 – 2021)
- ANEC Position paper: The role of standards in meeting consumer needs and expectations of AI in the European Commission proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act
- ANEC position paper on the Commission proposal for updated rules on Recycled plastic in food packaging
- e-Learning course updated! (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 1 – 2022)
- ANEC Media Release: European Commission’s Standardisation Strategy
- ANEC-BEUC joint media release: European Parliament paves way for stronger rules on toy safety
- CEN-CENELEC webinar "How do standards benefit consumers?", with speaker from ANEC
- Open Letter: Hazardous Chemicals and Food safety – recycled plastic in food packaging (updated rules)
- EC Standardisation Strategy (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 2 – 2022)
- ANEC Position on the EC Proposal for a Revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
- ANEC comments on Amendment to the Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 European standardisation
- ANEC media release: ‘How can standards be truly European?’
- ANEC media release: 'Ecodesign in the spotlight for more sustainable products: Crucial now for the tool to maintain its success'
- Call for a volunteer expert
- ANEC response to Public consultation on the targeted revision of the REACH Regulation ((EC) 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals)
- ANEC-BEUC media release: 'Too many unsafe products once again found in the EU market in 2021'
- Standardisation Strategy (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 3 – 2022)
- Public consultation for the targeted revision of the Toy Safety Directive
- ANEC Response to EC Call for Evidence for an Impact Assessment on the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) initiative
- Annual Review 2021
- ANEC General Assembly meets (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 4 – 2022)
- Comments on the Annex to the draft Commission Decision on the safety requirements to be met by European standards for certain children's products and related products
- Input to the Public Consultation on the draft Commission Decision on the safety requirements to be met by European standards for certain children's products and related products
- EDF-ANEC webinar on accessibility standards for the built environment
- Ecodesign for sustainable products regulation - Key points for consumers
- Revision of the Standardisation Regulation (ANEC eNewsletter ed. 5 – 2022)
- International Product Safety Week (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 6 – 2022)
- ANEC webinar “Support all consumers through the cost-of-living crisis: ISO 22458, the global standard mutually benefitting companies and customers”
- Open letter Reuse and prevention at the core of packaging law
- ANEC media release: 'Unpacking the proposed packaging regulation: Lower ambitions for reuse but several steps in the right direction'
- ANEC & European AI Fund webinar: ‘Standards and the AI Act: What impact can AI standards have and how to influence them?', 15 December 2022, from 11h to 12h30 CET
- ANEC position paper on Draft Annual Union Work Programme for European Standardisation 2023
- 30th Anniversary of the Single Market (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 8 – 2022)
- CEN-CENELEC governance review – proposals from ANEC, ECOS, ETUC and SBS
- ANEC answer to EC Public Consultation on the Revision of the Food Contact Materials (FCMs) Regulation
- ANEC Position on revision of EU rules on Food Contact Materials (FCMs) - Comments in support of ANEC contribution to Public Consultation
- ANEC Position Paper on the Commission Proposal for a Regulation to enhance transparency in the field of short-term rentals
- HLFS first meeting – comments of the ANEC President
- High-Level Forum on Standardisation (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 1 – 2023)
- ANEC BEUC media release: 'Worrying number of dangerous products reaching consumers highlights need for greater action by authorities'
- ANEC position paper on revised EU Rules for packaging and packaging waste
- EP IMCO report on Standardisation Strategy (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 2 – 2023)
- ANEC media release: 'Green claims – what consumers want!'
- ANEC/DIN Consumer Council webinar ‘"Consumer security knowledge and behaviour in the digital space: how can standards raise the bar of cybersecurity and resilience?"
- ANEC comments on EC draft delegated regulation amending the 'Common Charger' Directive on updating technical specifications
- ANEC comments on the European Parliament Internal Market Committee and the Civil Liberties Committee agreement on the European Artificial Intelligence Act
- ANEC position on EC initiative: “Single-use plastic beverage bottles – EU rules for calculating, verifying and reporting on recycled plastic content”
- ANEC welcomes EP Single Market report on standardisation (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 3 – 2023)
- Annual Review 2022
- ANEC position paper on reliable environmental claims
- ANEC-BEUC Legal Study: 'The Role of Standards in Future EU Digital Policy Legislation: A consumer perspective'
- ANEC General Assembly 2023 (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 4 – 2023)
- ANEC-BEUC media release: 'Groundbreaking Commission proposal to ban hormone-disrupting chemicals in toys must become law'
- Technical study: Measurement of surface temperatures of a selection of products in the Scope of IEC 60335 2 9 ' Household and similar electrical appliances Safety Part 2 9: Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking applianc
- ANEC and BEUC written statement - EP IMCO Hearing on “Toy Safety”, 19 September 2023
- ANEC position paper on Ecodesign requirements for computers
- ANEC-BEUC feedback on the evaluation of European standardisation: Call for evidence stage - September 2023
- Review of the Standardisation Regulation (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 5 – 2023)
- ANEC recommendations to EU co-legislators on Data Collection and Sharing relating to Short-Term Accommodation Rental Services
- ANEC/BEUC final input to the public consultation on a proposal for a Toy Safety Regulation
- ANEC INPUT TO THE EC CALL FOR EVIDENCE: 'Cancer prevention - reducing the health risks associated with using sunbeds'
- ANEC-BEUC joint feedback on: Roadmap and Call for evidence on the evaluation of Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 on European standardisation
- EU Fire Safety Manifesto for 2024-2029: 'Keeping EU citizens fire safe in all buildings'
- ANEC looks to help solve deadlock on surface temperatures (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 6 – 2023)
- HLFS second meeting – comments of the ANEC President
- ANEC second meeting of the HLFS (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 7 – 2023)
- ANEC position paper on ensuring safe and fair play for children
- BEUC and ANEC comments following the Ecodesign Consultation Forum meeting on Vacuum Cleaners on 11 December 2023
- ANEC/BEUC position paper on the review of Regulation (EU) 1025/2012
- ANEC comments on the updated training requirements in rules recognising the professional qualifications of nurses, pharmacists & dental practitioners
- ANEC/BEUC position paper on governance of European Standardisation (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 1 – 2024)
- ANEC Webinar ‘Safe products for all consumers – EC study on gender-responsive and inclusive standards’
- ANEC comments to the proposed restrictions on bisphenol A (BPA) and other bisphenols in food contact materials (FCMs)
- ANEC position paper on the updated training requirements in rules recognising the professional qualifications of nurses, pharmacists & dental practitioners | Delegated directive - C(2024)1319 amending Directive 2005/36/EC
- ANEC/AccessibleEU webinar
- ANEC-AccessibleEU webinar (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 2 – 2024)
- BEUC and ANEC comments following the Ecodesign Consultation Forum meeting on Computers (19 March 2024)
- The consumer perspective on the draft Toy Safety Regulation
- ANEC welcomes the adoption of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
- ANEC hosts a panel at the CPDP conference in Brussels
- ANEC-CEN/CENELEC webinar ‘Inclusive Standardization - Enhancing the involvement of societal stakeholders and SMEs in the standard development process’
- ANEC webinar "WEEE & National Initiatives: Consumer Organizations' Perspective"
- ANEC Annual Review 2023-2024
- ANEC General Assembly 2024 (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 3 – 2024)
- ANEC comments on Draft standardisation request to European Committee for Standardisation, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute as regards charging interface and charging commun
- Public consultation on the evaluation of Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 on European standardisation: Supporting document from ANEC
- BEUC and ANEC comments following the Ecodesign Consultation Forum meeting on Imaging Equipment (3 July 2024)
- BEUC and ANEC comments following the Consultation Forum meeting of 3 July on Imaging Equipment (30 August)
- ANEC comments on evaluation of Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 4 – 2024)
- Future AI Act standards: How can standards help consumers and civil society trust AI?
- World Standards Day 2024 (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 5 – 2024)
- BEUC and ANEC comments following the Consultation Forum meeting on Computers (1 October 2024)
- Future AI Act standards: State of play of AI standards and what can civil society do next?
- ANEC and the International Product Safety week (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 6 – 2024)
- ANEC discussion paper: 'Enhancing fire and life safety and creating awareness about domestic life safety'
- ANEC-BEUC media release: Landmark EU law to make products safer as of this Friday
- 50th anniversary of the DIN Consumer Council (ANEC e-Newsletter ed. 7 – 2024)
- ANEC President at 3rd HLFS meeting
- ANEC Factsheet on AI Trustworthiness standard
- ANEC Position Paper on Evaluation of the Lifts Directive
- ANEC public webinar : Sustainable lifestyles & Consumer products
- Who we are
- Our mission
- The Standardisation Regulation
- How we work
- ANEC Members
- ANEC Staff
- Useful Links
- Priorities
- Technical Studies
- Publications
- Annual Reviews
- ANEC Leaflets
- ANEC leaflet: A decade of consumer involvement in standardisation
- ANEC leaflet: Rear facing- Turn away from danger
- ANEC leaflet: Are household appliances really safe for all consumers (German)
- ANEC leaflet: Are household appliances really safe for all consumers (Spanish)
- ANEC leaflet: Are household appliances really safe for all consumers (French)
- ANEC leaflet: Are household appliances really safe for all consumers (French)
- ANEC/BEUC leaflet on nanotechnology and nanomaterials
- ANEC/BEUC leaflet on nanotechnology and nanomaterials (French)
- ANEC leaflet on the safety of personal music players (PMP)
- Toy Safety Tips (German)
- Toy Safety Tips (French)
- Toy Safety Tips (English)
- ANEC leaflet: Setting the agenda for the Digital Consumer
- Joint ANEC/BEUC leaflet: How much nano do we buy?
- ANEC leaflet on cords on window blinds
- ANEC Web Accessibility Leaflet
- ANEC/BEUC Brochure: Nano - Very small and everywhere
- ANEC leaflet on CE Marking
- ANEC leaflet on accommodation safety services
- ANEC Leaflet on the Draft Web Accessibility Directive
- ANEC/BEUC Fact sheet on water-using equipment
- ANEC Strategy 2014-2020 booklet
- ANEC-CSI leaflet on Carbon Monoxide, the silent killer
- ANEC Brochure: What we do for you
- ANEC leaflet: Key Facts on European cross-border complaints
- ANEC Leaflet: Hazardous chemicals in products. The need for enhanced EU regulations
- ANEC leafet 'Enhanced Child Restraint Systems (R129)'
- ANEC leaflet: 'Citizens' requirements for smart cities: what standards can do!'
- ANEC leaflet: 'Citizens' requirements for smart cities: what standards can do! '(printable version)
- ANEC leaflet: Key Facts on European cross-border complaints
- TIE-ANEC leaflet: Safety First - Top Tips to Enjoy Toys
- ANEC & CEN-CENELEC Infographic on consumer rights and standards (WCRD 2016)
- MarketWatch- One pager: - How civil society organisations can become involved to check compliance with the Ecodesign and Energy labelling
- ANEC-BEUC Factsheet: Simplifying the EU energy label
- ANEC Leaflet: The consumer views on the proposal for a European Accessibility Act
- ANEC-BEUC Factsheet: How much can consumers save thanks to ecodesign
- ANEC Leaflet on the right to submit an Opinion
- ANEC leaflet: Standards in 60 seconds
- ANEC Leaflet: Becoming an ANEC expert
- ANEC leaflet: ANEC in 60 seconds
- ANEC Infographic on New Fuel Labelling in Europe
- One pager on EN 16942:2016 ‘Fuels – Identification of vehicle compatibility – Graphical expression for consumer information’
- ANEC leaflet on 'Horizontal Service standards’
- ANEC WSD FACTSHEET: How do standards help share sustainable consumer choices?
- ANEC infographic: New EU Tyre Label - What you need to know
- Position Papers
- ANEC response to the EC Standardisation Strategy Roadmap
- About ANEC
- ANEC comments on draft Rolling Plan for ICT standardisation 2017
- Klaus Iohannis îi cere demisia lui Gabriel Oprea. ”Am fost îngrijorat când am văzut câți oameni au ieșit în stradă” (2)
- Klaus Iohannis îi cere demisia lui Gabriel Oprea. ”Am fost îngrijorat când am văzut câți oameni au ieșit în stradă” (3)
- lorem asd
- last article
- Members
- Cookies policy
- You can help!
- Event test
- Consumer champion
- ANEC Webinar on AI standardisation: what’s in for consumers and why it is important to take part? (ANEC-BEUC Mercator AI project)
- ANEC comment on the European Commission Draft Mandate to CEN/CENELEC/ETSI for Programming of Standardisation Work in the Field of Eco-Design of Energy-Using-Products
- Joint letter of ANEC and BEUC to the STOA Chairman concerning STOA report on inedibles in food
- Joint request from ANEC and ETSC for Participation in the European Commission’s Monitoring Committee on Pedestrian Protection
- ANEC Position Paper on Standardisation and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Speech of ANEC Secretary-General on the role of consumer associations at a seminar in Abano/Italy on 8/9 March 2004
- Summary report on the Child Exclusion Clauses Survey
- Review of the output from the CEN Environmental Helpdesk
- ANEC position on classification of buoyant aids and armbands for swimming
- Joint letter of ANEC and BEUC to the Commission on the Interoperability of Digital Interactive Television Services
- Speech by Mr Robert Madelin, Director General for Health and Consumer Protection, European Commission, at the ANEC General Assembly
- ANEC position on the revision of the Directive 98/34 of the EP and the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down the procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations
- Speech by Gottlobe Fabisch at the Non-food Products Workshop Safety Monitoring
- Main findings of the ANEC legal study: Exclusion clauses in standards under the EU Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EC (Children and “infirm people” using electrical appliances)
- Speech by ANEC President Benedicte Federspiel at the Consumer Assembly on 10 November 2004
- Revision of the Toy Safety Directive - Key issues from an ANEC and BEUC perspective
- Report on Children’s Climbing Skills: R&T project to identify what products children can climb on and how they use support points while climbing these products
- Appendix to the report on Children’s Climbing Skills: R&T project to identify what products children can climb on and how they use support points while climbing these products
- Report on the study on Child protective products – protective function of socket protectors, hob guards, locks and locking devices
- RFID – Technology Opportunity! – Privacy Threat? - SAP Conference, Brussels, 8 December 2004
- ANEC-ECOS Position Paper on the revised Packaging Standards prepared under the second Standardisation Mandate M317
- ANEC Comment on the Future Consumer Policy Strategy
- ANEC Secretary-General’s speech at the European Market Surveillance Programming Conference
- ANEC comments on the WIK Presentation “The evolution of the regulatory model for European Postal Services”, 26 April 2005
- Draft comments on aspects of consumer interest on the WCAG 2.0 working draft
- ANEC comment on the Commission’s Action Plan for European Standardisation (draft version 5)
- ANEC position on the future challenges of ICT standardisation
- ANEC comments on the review of the scope of Universal Service
- Questionnaire on the future of postal standardisation 2005
- ANEC comment on the role and significance of the CE marking (Draft Certif. Doc 2005-11 of 30 August 2005)
- Preliminary comment of ANEC on the review of the CEN Strategy 2010
- ANEC comment on the Programme of Community action in the field of Health and Consumer Protection 2007-2013
- The New Approach from the consumer perspective
- ANEC position paper on the revision of the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC)
- ANEC comment on the European Commission Public consultation on postal services: part 2
- ANEC input on the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications revision
- Consumer claims: the experience of consumer organisations in gathering consumer safety data and the case for an EU system, speech by T. Vandenberghe
- ANEC proposals for improving public interest stakeholder participation in CEN and CENELEC
- Joint ANEC-BEUC comments to the European Commission Green Paper on energy efficiency
- Summary of Environment WG R&T Project regarding consumer demands on Type III environmental declarations
- Letter sent to the Commission by the Voice network on i2010-the intelligent car initiative
- Preliminary response from ANEC to the CARS 21 public consultation
- VOICE Response to the Public Consultation on the CARS 21 Final Report
- Joint ANEC / ECOS Position Paper on the New strategy of the CEN Environmental Helpdesk
- ANEC comments on the European Commission's Public consultation on the future of the Internal Market
- ANEC Position Paper on the revision of the New Approach
- Comments from ANEC to the draft mandate from the Commission to CENELEC concerning children, older people and people with disabilities (exclusion clause)
- ANEC reply to European Commission study on ICT standardisation
- ANEC/BEUC position on the European Transparency Initiative
- ANEC position on reduced ignition propensity cigarettes
- Joint ANEC / BEUC / ECOS / EEB position on Making EMAS a system of excellence - Going beyond EMS
- ANEC comments on review of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications
- Joint ANEC/BEUC position on voluntary environmental agreements
- ELNI Review article on the new strategy of the CEN Environmental Helpdesk
- Joint ANEC/BEUC Position Paper on Commission Decision 2006/502/EC on lighters
- ANEC position on UNECE Regulation 44: Requirements for Child Restraint Systems
- Review of State of Knowledge regarding the Safety, Access and Usability Needs of Children with Disabilities
- ANEC statement on EU energy label scheme
- ANEC position on the Commission’s proposal to revise the Postal Directive
- Report of the ANEC research and testing project: ANEC Review of Parts 2 of EN 60335 with respect to the safety of children and older and disabled people
- EN 1177: Round-robin test for impact measurement on playground surfacing material
- ANEC presentation at Commission Workshop on the New Machinery Directive, Brussels, 29 May 2007
- Presentation on changes to Regulation 14 to the UNECE Working Party on Passive Safety
- Presentation on R 44 made by ANEC/CI at UNECE GRSP May 2007
- Joint ANEC/BEUC comments on the EC Communication on RFID in Europe: Steps towards a policy framework
- ANEC and BEUC input to the consultation on the revision of the Toy Safety Directive
- ANEC and BEUC input to the consultation on the impact of revising the chemical requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
- Note from the ANEC SG on the EC Discussion Paper "Towards an increased contribution from standardisation to innovation in Europe"
- ANEC/BEUC joint position on Sustainable Consumption and Production
- ANEC/BEUC letter concerning the Resolution on Product and particularly Toy Safety
- ANEC position on service standardisation
- Updated ANEC Policy Statement on Design for All
- Joint ANEC / BEUC position on consumer-relevant eco-design requirements for standby and off-mode losses
- ANEC Response to the Public consultation on outline proposals for a Regulation on Advanced Safety Features and Tyres
- Joint ANEC/ECOS comments on the ISO 14000 series review
- Position de l'ANEC sur la normalisation des services
- ANEC comments on EU Study on the specific policy needs for ICT standardisation
- Statement from ANEC concerning "Certification and Marks in Europe" a study commissioned by EFTA, Executive Summary of the Preliminary Report, 5 October 2007
- ANEC proposal for the revision of the Gas Appliances Directive
- Joint ANEC/EDF Position Paper on eAccessibility (Word version)
- Joint ANEC/EDF Position Paper on eAccessibility
- ANEC statement on revision of Council Recommendation on fire safety in hotels
- ANEC comments to European Commission consultation on EU Energy Labelling
- Joint ANEC/BEUC position on ecodesign requirements for boilers and water heaters
- Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design requirements for external power supplies
- Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design requirements for simple set top boxes
- Final ANEC/BEUC position paper on the proposal for a revised Toy Directive
- Joint ANEC/BEUC position on ecodesign requirements for domestic lighting (part 1)
- Final report on the ANEC study "Web Accessibility in context: an investigation into standardisation issues" (PDF version)
- Final report on the ANEC study "Web Accessibility in context: an investigation into standardisation issues" (Word version)
- ANEC/BEUC comments on Commission draft Recommendation on RFID
- Revision of the EU Energy Label layout: ANEC views and arguments
- ANEC proposal on the installation and maintenance of gas appliances, in light of the revision of the Gas Appliances Directive
- ANEC position concerning the “Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of pedestrians and other vulnerable road users”
- ANEC position on the Commission Communication on standardisation and innovation
- ANEC position on the revision of the EU electronic communications regulatory framework
- Final Report on the ANEC study "Benchmarking and additional environmental information in the context of Type III Environmental Declarations"
- Final Report on the ANEC study "Benchmarking and additional environmental information in the context of Type III Environmental Declarations (annex)
- Statement on ANEC research project on benchmarking and additional environmental information in the context of Type III environmental declarations
- Intervention by the ANEC Secretary-General at the CEN/CENELEC General Assembly Open Session, 25 June 2008
- ANEC/BEUC joint position paper on consumer interests in eco-design of (energy-using) products
- Presentation by Tania Vandenberghe at the EFTA Workshop on Marks on 11 June 2008
- Final report "Consumer requirements for RFID standardisation"
- Executive summary of ICT R&T project 2007 “Consumer requirements for RFID standardisation”
- Speech by T. Vandenberghe at EFTA Workshop on marks, 11 June 2008
- Final ANEC/EDF position on web and eAccessibility legislation
- Presentation by C. Giovannini at EMARS Strategy Workshop on 'Consumer expectations on market surveillance'
- Final joint ANEC/BEUC position on Commission Impact Assessment Guidelines
- Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design, labelling and installation requirements for dedicated water heaters
- Speech by N. Klemola at European Parliament Workshop on Hotel Safety, 3 July 2008
- Presentation by N. Klemola at European Parliament Workshop on Hotel Safety, 3 July 2008
- Joint communiqué from ANEC, ECOS and the Pacific Institute on ISO TC 207 'Environmental Management'
- Executive summary of joint ANEC, BEUC, Defra, EST, NCC research on consumer perceptions of the EU Energy Label layout
- Full summary of joint ANEC, BEUC, Defra, EST, NCC research on consumer perceptions of the EU Energy Label layout
- ANEC comments on draft revised Parts 2 of EN 60335
- Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design requirements for televisions
- ANEC/BEUC joint position on the revision of the Eco-design Directive
- Joint ANEC, ECOS, EEB position on Commission proposal for a revised Community Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS III)
- Toys: Find (and understand) the warnings!
- ANEC SG's intervention at the ICPHSO Conference - 'Stakeholder Perspectives on Emerging Issues'
- ANEC SG's intervention at the EMARS Conference, 20 November 2008
- ANEC SG's intervention at the ICPHSO Conference - 'Convergence of Regulatory Requirements'
- ANEC/TACD presentation on interoperability and open standards, EC workshop on IPRs and standardisation
- ELNI Review article on stakeholder representation in international environmental standardisation - joint communiqué by ANEC, ECOS and the Pacific Institute
- ANEC/BEUC comments to the public consultation on the early challenges regarding the "Internet of Things"
- Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design and labelling requirements for domestic washing machines
- Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design and labelling requirements for refrigerators and freezers
- Joint ANEC/BEUC position on eco-design and labelling requirements for dishwashers
- ANEC preliminary position on safety of music players “Pump down the volume!”
- ANEC/BEUC joint position on key consumer issues in revision of EU Energy Labelling Directive
- AGE/ANEC/EDF joint position on EC communication on eAccessibility
- Use your right to know about the most harmful chemicals in consumer products!
- ANEC intervention at the European Consumer Summit
- Joint ANEC/BEUC statement: Eco-design and labelling requirements for TVs, refrigerators and freezers, and washing machines
- ANEC research project on Exclusion Clause - Conclusions
- Joint ANEC/ORGALIME Position Paper "Call for an effective pan-European market surveillance system"
- ANEC Position Paper on Safety of household appliances for all
- ANEC BEUC statement on European Parliament votes on Energy Labelling
- Statement: Environmental product indicators and benchmarks in context of environmental labels and declarations
- ANEC research project on Environmental product indicators and benchmarks in the context of environmental labels and declarations
- Joint statement by ANEC, BEUC, BRC and FCD on maintaining the well-known A-G Energy Label
- ANEC statement on accessibility of voting (word)
- ANEC statement on accessibility of voting (pdf)
- ANEC/BEUC Position Paper on nanomaterials - "Small is beautiful but is it safe?"
- ANEC/BEUC Position Paper: Consumer relevant Eco-design and Energy Labelling requirements for room air conditioning appliances
- Joint letter to the Ministers of Transport of EU Member States: Regulation on passengers’ rights in bus and coach transport
- One-pager on draft mandate on Personal Music Players (PMPs)
- ANEC statement: "From Internet of Things to Internet for People"
- ANEC/BEUC Position Paper: Consumer relevant Eco-design and labeling requirements for boilers
- ANEC/BEUC joint contribution to the Commission’s consultation on the evaluation and revision of the EU Action Plan for Energy Efficiency 2007-2012 (EEAP)
- ANEC Position Paper on the European Commission White Paper “Modernising ICT standardisation in the EU - The way forward”
- ANEC comments on AFNOR feasibility study on residential homes for older people
- ANEC comments on feasibility study on services for resident persons (home services)
- ANEC comments on NEN/SN feasibility study on smart house services for elderly and disabled persons
- ANEC comments on AFNOR feasibility study on accessibility to tourism and transport services to disabled people
- ANEC/BEUC factsheet on the new toy safety legislation
- Joint ANEC/BEUC contribution to European Parliament ITRE Committee hearing on ‘What Energy Label for Europe?
- Consumer relevant eco-design requirements for computers
- Consumer interests in eco-design of complex set top boxes
- Consumer interests in eco-design of imaging equipment
- Consumer relevant eco-design requirements for non professional electronic displays
- Inventory of products claiming to contain nanoparticles
- Joint ANEC/EDF draft position on the review of the scope of the Universal Service in electronic communications (Word version)
- Joint ANEC/EDF draft position on the review of the scope of the Universal Service in electronic communications (PDF version)
- 'When is an A not an A?' Statement on the EU Energy Label from consumer, retail and environmental groups
- ANEC position on the first draft Ecological criteria for the award of the Community Eco-label for buildings
- Toys: 12 Tips for a Safe Christmas
- ANEC, BEUC, ECOS, EEB joint position ‘Sizing up product carbon footprinting’
- Joint ANEC/BEUC Position Paper "Voluntary Agreements can only deliver if subject to Minimum Requirements – The Case of VAs in the Ecodesign Implementation Process"
- Final ANEC/BEUC input to EC consultation “Towards a Strategic Nanotechnology Action Plan 2010-2015”
- ANEC/ BEUC position on the introduction of an Energy Label for refrigerating appliances
- ANEC/ BEUC position on the introduction of an Energy Label for televisions
- ANEC statement for STAND4ALL project final workshop
- ANEC open letter to the European Commission, DG ENTR, on CE Marking
- ANEC position on a new Strategy for European Information Society 2010-2015 (post i-2010)
- Consumer relevant ecodesign and energy labelling requirements for household dishwashers
- Consumer relevant ecodesign and energy labelling requirements for household washing machines
- Joint ANEC - EDF Reply to the Public Consultation on Universal Service Principles in eCommunications
- ANEC response to the public consultation of the European Commission on Standardisation
- ANEC/BEUC position on ecodesign and labelling requirements for room air conditioning appliances
- ANEC/BEUC joint position on Commission Guidelines for Voluntary Agreements under the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC - The need for a coherent framework
- ANEC preliminary Position Paper on Consumer Requirements in Tourism Services
- ANEC R&T project on exclusion clause
- ANEC R&T project on surface temperatures
- ANEC R&T project on Child safety barriers
- ANEC/BEUC Position Paper: Consumer Relevant Ecodesign And Energy Labelling Requirements For Household Tumble Driers
- Final Report: Requirements on consumer information on Product Carbon Footprint
- ANEC comments on CEN Horizontal European Services Standardisation Strategy (CHESS)
- ANEC Position Paper on UNECE Regulation 44: Requirements for Child Restraint Systems (CRS)
- Executive summary: ANEC study "Requirements on Consumer Information about Product Carbon Footprint"
- ANEC report “New standard for the visual accessibility of signs and signage for people with low vision” (Word version)
- ANEC report “New standard for the visual accessibility of signs and signage for people with low vision” (PDF version)
- ANEC statement on “New standard for the visual accessibility of signs and signage for people with low vision”
- Replies from ANEC and BEUC to the consultation on the General Product Safety Legislative Initiative
- ANEC Position Paper: Silent but dangerous: when absence of noise of cars is a factor of risk for pedestrians
- ANEC response to the draft IMCO Report on the future of European standardisation
- Joint ANEC/BEUC position Smart Energy Systems for empowered consumers
- ANEC position on the possible streamlining of the legal and standardisation frameworks for toy safety
- ANEC’s contribution to the Commission’s consultation on the implementation of the Services Directive
- ANEC comments on the CEN-CENELEC position on the IMCO draft report on the future of European standardisation
- Revision of the Gas Appliances Directive: Key isues from a consumer perspective
- ANEC Response to COM(2010) 352/final ‘Europe, the world's No 1 tourist destination - a new political framework for tourism in Europe’
- ANEC/BEUC 2010 inventory of products claiming to contain nanoparticles
- Hotel Fire Safety in the EU - The Consumer perspective, paper for the Segurhotel Congress, October 2010
- ANEC Statement “Accessibility and Innovation”
- ANEC Statement “Accessibility and Innovation” (Word version)
- Final ANEC/BEUC Reply to the public consultation on Proposal for a Commission definition of the term "nanomaterial"
- ANEC/EDF answer to the BEREC public consultation on Electronic Communications Services: Ensuring Equivalence in Access and Choice for Disabled End-Users
- ANEC position on SCHER opinion: Evaluation of the migration limits for chemical elements in toys (July 2010)
- ANEC position on SCHER opinion: Risk from organic CMR substances in toys (May 2010)
- Presentation to the 8th Conference on the Protection of children in cars "CRS for children with disabilities" Annex 1
- ANEC statement on consumers' expectations concerning window blinds
- ANEC Position Paper: Using consumer appliances in Europe – the consumer view
- ANEC proposal for the coverage of organic CMR substances in toys for children below 36 months and for mouth actuated toys
- Draft ANEC proposal on a Barium limit value for toys
- ANEC/BEUC Preliminary thoughts in view of the revision of the EU Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption & Production (long version)
- ANEC/BEUC Preliminary thoughts in view of the revision of the EU Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption & Production (short version)
- ANEC Position Paper on Chemicals in Consumer Products - The need for a European legislative framework
- Detailed ANEC comments on the European Commission’s second Note related to the draft new regulation on child restraint systems
- ANEC response to the Commission’s public consultation on the Single Market Act
- ANEC response to the European Commission public consultation on the modernisation of EU public procurement policy “Towards a more efficient European Procurement Market”
- ANEC R&T study "Requirements needed in European household appliance performance standards to improve the ease of use of certain appliances by older and disabled people"
- ANEC brochure 'What we do for you'
- ANEC One-pager on standards on Personal Music Players (PMPs)
- Save the date! ANEC-ASI CC-BEUC Conference: How to eliminate hazardous chemicals from consumer articles? -ON 5 OCTOBER 2011!
- ANEC response to Stakeholder Consultation on options to reduce the use of plastic carrier bags and options to improve the requirements of biodegradability in the Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste
- Inaccessible websites:Time to act!
- Joint ANEC/BEUC Position Paper on the Commission Communication: Energy Efficiency Plan 2011
- ANEC R&T study: Environmental and health related criteria for buildings (Final report)
- Conference Programme: How to eliminate hazardous chemicals from consumer articles?
- ANEC Position Paper "Sustainable construction - a building site without end. Alternatives to flawed standards"
- Final report on the ANEC study on Environmental and health related criteria for buildings
- Updated ANEC Position Paper "Chemicals in consumer products: The need for a European legislative framework"
- ANEC R&T study "Declaring conformance on web accessibility"
- ANEC position on the draft Standardisation Regulation
- ANEC Speaking points at the IoT Polish EU Presidency conference, on 26 October 2011
- ANEC presentation at 23 November EP hearing on Standardisation Regulation
- ANEC position on prEN 50566 Product standard to demonstrate compliance of radio frequency fields from handheld and body-mounted wireless communication devices (30 MHz - 6 GHz)
- List of comments 2011
- List of meetings 2011
- ANEC Position Paper: How to protect vulnerable consumers?
- ADDENDUM TO FINAL REPORT OF ANEC DFA/DOMAP R&T PROJECT on Requirements needed in European household appliance performance standards to improve ease of use of appliances by older people and people with disabilities
- ANEC fact-sheet on uses of nanomaterials in the European market
- ANEC/BEUC position paper: flame retardant TCEP should be banned from all toys
- ANEC contribution to the European Commission public consultation with a view to a European Accessibility Act
- ANEC answers to the European Commission Public Consultation on "Helping public authorities procure ICT based on standards"
- Main consumer expectations from CEN Workshop Agreement on quality criteria for health checks
- ANEC comments on ISO/IEC CD Guide 51 "Safety aspects - Guidelines for their inclusion in standards"
- ANEC response to the public consultation of the European Commission on the revision of Directive 2009/142/EC on appliances burning gaseous fuels
- ANEC position on EC proposal to align nine directives with New Legislative Framework
- ANEC-BEUC comments on the Ecodesign Working Plan 2012-2014
- ANEC final response to the EC consultation on the revision of the SCP/SIP Action Plan
- Annex to ANEC final response to the EC consultation on the revision of the SCP/SIP Action Plan
- FINAL REPORT Child WG R&T on finger entrapment
- Executive summary - Requirements for tests of child finger entrapment in European safety standards
- ANEC presentation on CRS to the 3rd Road Safety Seminar in Ankara/Turkey (Turkish version)
- ANEC position on the new EU Consumer Policy Strategy
- ANEC Position Paper 'Environmental assessment goes astray. A critique of environmental footprint methodology and its ingredients'
- ANEC contribution to the Commission consultation on "The provision of road safety related minimum universal traffic information free of charge to users under the ITS Directive 2010/40/EU"
- ANEC on crucial goals for a 7th Environmental Action Programme: Summary accompanying ANEC final response to the consultation on EU environment policy priorities for 2020
- ANEC final response to the consultation on EU environment policy priorities for 2020: Towards the seventh EU Environment Action Programme
- Presentation to Turkish consumer organisations
- ANEC/BEUC 2011-2012 inventory of products claiming to contain nano-silver
- ANEC replies to the public Commission Consultation on 'An EU Strategy to Reduce Injuries Resulting from Road Traffic Accidents'
- ANEC rejects read across approach concerning the EU-Ecolabel for office buildings
- ANEC comments on the 'Reference Document on Best Environmental Management Practices in the Construction Sector (Draft May 2012)'
- ANEC Position Paper on protected volume in standards for child use and care articles
- ANEC reply to EC public consultation on 'The Internet is gearing up for the next technological revolution: communication with and among objects. How would you envisage the "governance" of such an "Internet of Things"(IoT)?'
- ANEC/BEUC comments on the draft Ecodesign regulation for Directional lamps, LED lamps and related equipment
- ANEC-BEUC letter to Vice-President Tajani on CE marking
- ANEC Position Paper on the European Commission's proposal for a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- ANEC Position Paper of interoperability and the role of standards
- ANEC/BEUC position on reducing children exposure to lead from toys
- ANEC Response to the European Commission Public Consultation on Options for Resource Efficiency Indicators
- Stakeholders' Response to the EC Communication on the Second Regulatory Review on Nanomaterials
- ANEC-BEUC Position Paper: Consumer organisations comments on draft Ecodesign and Labelling rules for Vacuum Cleaners
- ANEC Statement to the World Forum for the Harmonisation of Vehicle regulations (UNECE WP 29)
- One-pager on a new regulation on child-restraint systems (the I- size Regulation)
- ANEC contribution to the study commissioned by the European Commission with respect to the interoperability of charging four-wheeled electric vehicles (EVs) throughout the EU.
- ANEC-BEUC Position Paper: EU Subgroup on chemicals in toys fails its mission - Critical review (November 2012)
- ANEC Position Paper on CE Marking "Caveat Emptor - Buyer Beware"
- Joint Orgalime/ANEC letter to Commissioner Tajani on Environmental Footprint: Draft Communication on Unlocking the Single Market for Green Products
- Consumers support early introduction of World Light Duty test procedure (A joint letter to Commissioner Tajani by ANEC, BEUC and FIA Region I)
- ANEC comments on CEN Workshop Agreement on quality criteria for health checks
- Open letter to EP ENVI Committee: Stakeholders' Response to the EC Communication on the Second Regulatory Review on Nanomaterials
- List of comments 2012
- List of meetings 2012
- ANEC preliminary Position Paper on Accommodation Safety
- ANEC position on the European Commission Green Paper - An integrated parcel delivery market for the growth of e-commerce in the EU
- ANEC/BEUC comments on the updated Ecodesign and Energy Labelling proposal for vacuum cleaners Updated European Commission drafts of December 2012
- ANEC/BEUC comments on the draft voluntary agreement guidelines EC draft Guidelines on self-regulation measures concluded by industry under the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC
- ANEC Position Paper on Standardisation and other aspects of the European Commission Proposal for a Directive on Accessibility of Public Sector Bodies Websites
- Annex to the call for a pan-European database of accidents and injuries: EU-organisations that have joined the campaign since the launch of the paper
- Action needed to protect citizen's health and wellbeing - a pan-European database of accidents and injuries
- Accompanying letter to the ELA-EEA-ELCA-EFESME-EPSA-EDF-ANEC-EUCAN survey on vertical accessibility legislation in Europe
- ELA-EEA-ELCA-EFESME-EPSA-EDF-ANEC-EUCAN survey on vertical accessibility legislation in Europe
- ANEC Position on the European Commission proposal for additional measures to increase transparency and ensure regulatory oversight on nanomaterials
- ANEC Position Paper on the the European Standardization System Strategy 2020
- ANEC Position Paper on European Commission Proposal for a Directive on the making available on the market of radio equipment (RED)
- ANEC position on the draft report "Shift, not drift: Towards active demand response and beyond" by THINK, European University Institute
- ANEC-ORGALIME joint Position Paper "Market Surveillance Regulation: a brave step towards an effective pan-European market surveillance system"
- ANEC-BEUC Position Paper Consumer interests in the review of the Ecodesign measures for External Power Supplies
- ANEC position in response to public consultation on the Green Paper on a European Strategy on Plastic Waste
- ANEC-BEUC comments on European Commission proposal for a Regulation on market surveillance of products
- ANEC/BEUC position paper on the European Commission Proposal for a Consumer Product Safety Regulation
- ANEC presentation to the CSI Conference on Child Restraint Systems
- ANEC comments and proposed amendments for draft EP IMCO report on the proposal for a directive on the accessibility of public sector bodies' websites
- ANEC R&T study on Requirements on Lighting (Light Intensity) and Reflectors of Bicycles
- ANEC comments on draft EN 301 549 Accessibility requirements for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe
- Updated ANEC proposed position on the Technical Requirements for inclusion in standards relating to the Communication of Consumer Information by the Smart Metering Systems to the Consumer Interface (for use by an in-home display)
- ANEC Position Paper on the EC Communication on the Annual Union Work Programme for European Standardisation
- ANEC comments on the EC Green Paper "Preparing for a fully Converged Audiovisual World: Growth, Creation and Values"
- ANEC Position Paper "CE+ Marking = Experto Crede -trust the expert?"
- ANEC response to DG ENV consultation on Sustainable buildings consultation
- ANEC proposed amendments to the draft Proposal for a Directive of the Council amending Council Directives 78/660/EEC and 83/349/EEC as regards disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by certain large companies and groups COM/2013/0207 final
- ANEC Letter to DG ENV Unit Eco-innovation & Circular economy on Public Consultation on Sustainable Construction
- ANEC Position paper on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
- Joint declaration by ANEC & the ASI Consumer Council on hazardous chemicals in products
- ANEC-BEUC Position Paper: Lessons learned from past mistakes - The need for a transparent and simple Energy Label based on a closed A-G scale
- List of comments 2013
- ANEC position paper: Working methods for setting safety requirements in the context of the General Product Safety Directive
- List of meetings 2013
- ANEC-BEUC position paper: Consumer interests in the review of Stage 6 Requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) No 244/2009
- ANEC Research study: European cross-border travel and tourism. Learning from consumer experiences and complaints
- Key facts from ANEC European cross-border travel and tourism research project
- ANEC response to the European Commission public consultation on patient safety and quality of care
- ANEC position paper: How can we make travel in the EU better for consumers?
- EDF-AGE-ANEC Joint Statement: EDF, AGE and ANEC urge the Council to support the Parliament's position on web accessibility
- ANEC Research study: Models of special accommodation for older people across Europe
- ANEC response to DG SANCO questionnaire on false online hotel reviews
- Joint Statement on the European Parliament's draft report on plastic carrier bags
- ANEC reply to EC public consultation on provision of information to consumers about furniture characteristics
- ANEC comments on EC Standardisation request to the ESOs in support of the implementation of privacy management in the design and development of service provision processes of security technologies
- ANEC position paper: European NGOs position paper on the Regulation of nanomaterials
- ANEC response to the EC consultation on retail energy market
- ANEC-BEUC response to the public consultation on the review of progress towards the 2020 energy efficiency objective and a 2030 energy efficiency policy framework
- ANEC Position Paper on accessibility of voting and the role of standards
- ANEC partial response to the Consultation on CEER Draft Advice on Data Management for Better Retail Market Functioning
- ANEC comments on draft ETSI Guide 202 952 "Guidelines to identify and address "Design for All" aspects in ETSI deliverables"
- ANEC position on services standards in response to CEN survey undertaken under the framework of the implementation of the Mandate (M/517) on horizontal service standards
- ANEC position paper: Hazardous chemicals in products - The need for enhanced EU regulations
- ANEC Position Paper: How standardisation can support the silver economy: Wiser standards for an ageing world
- ANEC-BEUC position paper: Empower EU consumers through visible and clear labelling information on CO2 emissions from new passenger cars (short version)
- ANEC-BEUC position paper: Empower EU consumers through visible and clear labelling information on CO2 emissions from new passenger cars (long version)
- ANEC position paper on the effectiveness of the Toy Safety Directive
- ANEC-BEUC position paper on imaging equipment
- ANEC position paper: "Should we split?"
- ANEC contribution to the ISO Strategy 2016-2020
- ANEC response to the European Commission consultation on the European Commission strategy on Corporate Social Responsibility 2011-2014
- ANEC position on CEN/CENELEC BTs consultation on adoption of ISO/IEC Guide 71-Guide for addressing accessibility in Standards as new edition of CEN/CENELEC Guide 6
- ANEC Position Paper on Annual Union Work Programme for European Standardisation 2015
- ANEC-BEUC response to the public consultation on Transparency measures for nanomaterials on the market
- ANEC comments on European Commission Rolling Plan for ICT standardisation (review)
- ANEC comments on Draft Commission Implementing Decision on Standardization request on Privacy management in the design and development and in the production and service provision processes of security technologies
- ANEC-ECOS-INFORSE common statement for the consideration of water heater modes
- ANEC response to the European Commission consultation on the quality of drinking water in the EU
- ANEC-BEUC-EEB response to the European Commission consultation to support the evaluation of the Implementation of the EU Ecolabel Regulation (EC) 66/2010
- List of comments 2014
- ANEC Position paper: Future consumer Policy - Priorities and trends
- ANEC comments on draft standardisation mandate on Radio Equipment Directive (RED)
- ANEC Response to questionnaire in the Green Paper: Safety of Tourism Accommodation Services
- ANEC comments on the draft European Commission Vademecum for European Standardisation
- ANEC position paper on the European Commission proposal for a Regulation on appliances burning gaseous fuels
- Final report of the ANEC SC R&T study "The benefits of consumer participation in standardisation to all stakeholders"
- ANEC response to the EC Consultation on Defining criteria for identifying Endocrine Disruptors in the context of the implementation of the Plant Protection Product & Biocidal Products Regulations
- ANEC Position Paper on patents and standards
- ECOS-ANEC Position Paper on Measurement Uncertainty and Verification Tolerances
- ANEC final comments on CEN/CLC/ETSI JWG eAcc Internal ballot on BSI and DIN proposal for a transposition of EN 301549 'Accessibility requirements suitable for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe' to ISO
- ANEC/BEUC comments on the updated proposal for Ecodesign and Energy Labelling requirements for televisions and electronic displays
- ANEC comments on M/473 "Design for All" deliverable D.1.2: Analysis of main areas of standardization and prioritization of work in standardization in relation to the needs of people with disabilities and older persons
- ANEC position paper on draft EC Annual Union Workprogramme for Standardisation 2016
- ANEC Position paper 'Monitoring the success of smart metering deployment from a consumer perspective'
- ANEC-BEUC position paper 'Simplifying the EU Energy Label - Restoring the successful and well-understood closed A to G scheme'
- ANEC response to public consultation on cross border parcel delivery
- ANEC response to the CEN/CLC questionnaire on the possible need for standardisation on smart appliances
- ANEC views on European Cross Border delivery - response to EC public consultation "Initiative to enhance the affordability, quality & convenience of cross-border parcel delivery"
- ANEC comments on Draft Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation 2016
- ANEC Position paper on Circular Economy concept - Comments in support of our Response to the EC public consultation
- ANEC response to the European Commission Circular economy consultation
- ANEC recommendations on emissions to the indoor air in view of the Draft Commission decision on the safety requirements to be met by European standards for candles, candle supports, containers and accessories pursuant to Directive 2001/95/EC
- ANEC position paper 'Laying the foundations for sustainable buildings'
- ANEC response to the EC Public consultation on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
- ANEC Position Paper on the Standardisation aspects of Luxembourg Presidency of Council of the European Union Proposal for a Directive on Accessibility of Public Sector Bodies Websites
- ANEC Position Paper on Upgrading the Single Market
- ANEC position paper on Standards for the Digital Single Market (reply to public consultation)
- ANEC input to the Commission consultation on the role of online platforms
- ANEC comments on Union Annual Work Programme for Standardisation 2016
- ANEC Position Paper: Response to the European Commission consultation on the proposal for a Directive on accessibility requirements of products and services (COM (2015)615/2)
- ANEC response to the European Commission consultation on the review of the Energy Efficiency Directive
- List of comments 2015
- ANEC-BEUC Position Paper: Protecting consumers from hazardous chemicals in textiles
- ANEC & disability movement open letter to national Ministers on web-accessibility directive
- ANEC position paper: Formaldehyde - Proposed requirements for Appendix C of the Toy Safety Directive
- ANEC comments on Preliminary Draft Annual Union Work Programme on European Standardisation 2017
- ANEC Position Paper: Aniline - Proposed requirement for Appendix C of the Toy Safety Directive
- ANEC answer to EC Public consultation on non-binding guidelines on methodology for reporting non-financial information
- ANEC Position Paper on the implementation of the Food Contact Materials Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004)
- ANEC/CI Statement. Cross border e-commerce - How international standards can help transparency of online platforms
- ANEC-BEUC Position Paper: Regulatory fitness check of Chemicals legislation except REACH - A consumer view
- ANEC comments on draft Rolling Plan for ICT standardisation 2017
- ANEC input to CEN BT: EN 16708 'Beauty salon services' (ANEC position on claim of defective standard)
- List of comments 2016
- List of meetings 2016
- Updated ANEC Position Paper: Formaldehyde - Proposed requirements for Appendix C of the Toy Safety Directive
- TACD Resolution on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBTs) in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (co-authored by ANEC), September 2016
- ANEC position paper on EC consultation on EU Framework of core indicators for the environmental performance of buildings
- ANEC response to public consultation 'Towards a common EU framework of core indicators for the environmental performance of buildings'
- EEB BEUC ANEC ECOS Letter to Mr Juncker on Ecodesign and Ecolabel
- Joint NGO Position Paper 'Reset Governance: Nanomaterials as a case study on negligence NGO demands for adequate EU governance of nanomaterials'
- Open letter to Members of the European Parliament concerning the European Accessibility Act
- Consumer Associations views on the release of the Ecodesign Work Plan 2016-2019 as well as on related Commission Acts
- ANEC position paper on Substance in Tattoo inks and permanent make-up: Proposal for a restriction
- ANEC presentation at TASS seminar: Future child restraint systems in car
- Letter: ACEA’s attempts to weaken the European Commission’s proposals on new vehicle safety measures
- ANEC/BEUC’s views on the European Commission’s legislative proposal on tyre labelling of May 2018
- ANEC reply to EC targeted consultation on potential policy applications for the Environmental Footprint methods
- E-cigarettes and e-liquids - Limits for chemicals Basis for discussion
- Open Public Consultation on the revision of the Directive 2006/42/EC on machinery
- ANEC Position Paper: Revision of Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)
- Newsletters
- Other Publications
- ANEC Work Programme 2013 - Definitive public version
- ANEC/SG presentation to EP hearing on Product Safety Package
- ANEC Strategy 2014-2020
- ANEC/SG speaking notes at ECR hearing on Product Safety Package
- ANEC Presentation on Child Restraint System, I-size standard, 23 September 2013
- ANEC/SG presentation at CEOC-EUROLAB-IFIA, 27 November 2013
- ANEC Action Plan 2014
- ANEC Work Programme 2014 - Definitive public version
- ANEC presentation at the EC conference on the Rolling Plan of ICT standardisatio, 25 March 2014
- ANEC President at Electrical Product Safety Conference, 12 November 2014, London
- ANEC Work Programme 2015 - Definitive public version
- ANEC Pocket Guide "Overview of Privacy Guidance for members of standards technical committees who are Consumer Representatives: Key Principles for Digital Device Privacy Impact Assessment"
- ANEC Pocket Guide "Using Consumer Data: Consumer Representatives Guide on Privacy"
- ANEC Pocket Guide "Overview of Privacy Guidance for Consumer Representatives in standards technical committees. Key Principles"
- ANEC Action Plan 2015
- Progress Report on ANEC Action Plan 2014, December 2014
- ANEC presentation at the TTIP stakeholder presentations event, 4 February 2015
- OECD global awareness raising campaign on laundry detergent capsules, 16-23 March 2015
- ANEC Pocket Guide "Using Consumer Data. Data transfer, trading and privacy"
- List of meetings 2015
- List of comments 2015
- SAMNIC Newsletter 1, May 2015
- ANEC Consumer Representatives Guidance "Domestic privacy and the privacy of digitally connected devices"
- ANEC speaking points for panel discussion: "Older people as rights-holders and consumers", Council of Europe - European Commission - AGE Platform Europe - ENNHRI event to mark the 10th World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 15 -16 June 2015, Brussels
- ANEC contribution to European highlights at Friends of Standards Roundtable, 1 July 2015
- SAMNIC Newsletter 2, September 2015
- Speaking notes of ANEC President, Arnold Pindar, at the CEER Customer Conference, 20 October 2015, Brussels
- ANEC study 'European cross-border online shopping - Learning from consumer experiences'
- ANEC Guide on the use of ISO/IEC Guide 71:2014 and CEN/CENELEC Guide 6:2014 "Guide for addressing accessibility in standards"
- ANEC/SG speaking notes at EP Roundtable "What next for tourism accommodation safety in the EU?
- ANEC contribution to survey regarding the noise of L-category vehicles
- ANEC Work Programme 2016 - Definitive public version
- ANEC Pocket Guides on Privacy
- ANEC Technical Study: The development of safety requirements and hazard-based standards - For child use and care articles
- ANEC point of view on TBTs in TTIP, CGI at TTIP stakeholder presentations event, 24 February 2016
- ANEC/SG speaking points at MarketWatch closing event
- SAMNIC Newsletter 3, March 2016
- ANEC Action Plan 2016
- ANEC Strategy 2014 to 2020 - Annual Action Plan 2016
- ANEC/SG speech at 'European standards for the 21st century', EPC Single Market Roundtable, 7 September 2016
- Invitation - Workshop on Children's Products Safety, 20 October 2016, Alicante
- Invitacion (ES) - Jornada de Seguridad de Productos Infantiles, 20 Octubre 2016, Alicante
- SAMNIC MOOC leaflet
- Report of the 1st ANEC-ECOS-ETUC Conference
- Presentation by Ronald Vroman on Child Restraint Standards at the WHO workshop on road safety
- Executive summary of ANEC-BEUC study on how consumers benefit from ecodesign
- ANEC-BEUC study: Benefits of Ecodesign for EU households (FINAL REPORT)
- ANEC/CI Statement to the World Forum for the Harmonisation of Vehicle regulations (UNECE WP 29) on adoption of phase 2 Regulation 129 on enhanced child restraint systems
- List of meetings 2016
- List of comments 2016
- ANEC Work Programme 2017 - Definitive public version
- ANEC study investigates use of service standards by supervising authorities
- ANEC/SG impulse statement on standards for the 21st century
- ANEC speaks at the ISO/COPOLCO Workshop 'Road Safety by design' about 'Supporting road safety targets for the United Nations Decade of Action'
- CEN-CENELEC brochure: Civil Society, Improving, Strengthening and Legitimising the European Standardisation System
- List of comments
- List of comments 2018
- List of meetings 2018
- List of meetings 2019
- List of comments 2019
- List of meetings 2020
- List of comments 2020
- ANEC WCRD FACTSHEET: Standards for Sustainable Consumption
- Stakeholder survey for the evaluation of the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
- List of meetings 2021
- List of comments 2021
- ANEC/BEUC factsheet on PROMPT Project
- List of meetings 2022
- List of comments 2022
- List of meetings 2023
- List of comments 2023
- List of comments 2024
- List of meetings 2024
- Tags
- Projects